Asia 2024: Pai and Chiang Rai (Thailand)
Pai is such an incredible small little village! Cruising down the sunset, driving into Pai is already amazing – as you startle at the smokey, gloomey hilltops, while absorbing the majestic views as the sun just goes down… Five minutes later we stroke down at the “Yoma Hotel” – which completely took us by surprise the next morning, with their fantastic sunset views goring up upon the rice fields and misty banks slowly dissolving, while you enjoy with exotic birds chilping and sensing an inner peace 🙂
This village really got a vibe on it’s own – setting it apart from the south of Thailand (with it’s sweet beach vibe) – but alltogether I think it’s different from anything in Thailand. It is a relaxed atmoshphere which feels tranquil, but is still vibrant in it’s own way. It has got a walking street, where every night at 18:00 it starts with all the vendors selling delicious streetfood. It has got nice bars with good coffee, and at night cafe’s where you can get nice (dutch/belgium) beers as wine and cocktails. Occasionally there is a fresh sushi stand as well, which is most delicious and only costs like 100 baht (2,70) for a full plastic pack filled with sushi 🙂
We visited the bamboo bridge – which provides some awesome scenery.
Overall due to it’s relaxed vibe, our initially planned 4-day stay became an 8 day stay. If you are visiting Thailand (North) – this MUST be part of your itenary.
Chiang Rai
After having visited Pai, it was time to travel 5 hours from Pai by car further up north to Chiang Rai. This again took us over windy roads with many curls, with very enjoyable views and good roads!
Chiang Rai itself is supposed to be originating city, seconded by Chiang Mai; one of the 3 kings originally settled this city but had found that it did not have sufficient space – and therewith moved to Chiang Mai to create a bigger city. Either way, Chiang Rai itself is actually not that great of a city. You can visit the White Temple “Wat Rong Khun” and the Blue Temple “Wat Rong Suea Ten“ – which both supposedly have been created by artists, with the target to create “art” therewith as well – as opposed to main target being a sanctuary for Buddhism (which it also serves though). It is a must-see if visiting, but other than that – not that great.
What did stood out though – was the “Karen Longneck Village” – of which we heard where original people whom fled from Tibet – and still hosts a staggering 20.000 people now living in the North of Thailand. They are though still “not accepted” as Thai people, but do get funded by the government and are allowed to live there – as long as “they are in display”. Actually quite sad, if i would say so!
Also we went to the Singha Park – and actually rented a golf-cart for 1000 Bath (around 27 euro’s) – which is quite expensive to be fair. We did it for the experience, but if you would take some time (2-4 hours) it would be walkeable (and free) – and therewith likely a much better experience. Did take the most majestic shot of the Giraffe which you can see down below.
One final tip: In Chaing Rai there is really not much of a nightlife scene. That is… If you were to google. HOWEVER…
Being bummed about this fact that it was pretty much not lively – we asked a local for a tip and she provided “The Library, Chiang Rai” – which is actually a library which turns into a night club. But the most amazing things is the red club 100 meters to the left of it – which is a thai-only establishment, hosting around 2000 people – screaming at happy pitbull-on-speed music for the whole night.
I love love love love love love de foto’s Dorus??! En Yvo en de longnecks hahahah ??. Benieuwd naar jullie ervaring in Laos! Jullie zijn nu in Vang Vieng, waar ik van ellende mijn eerste full on zieke buitenpoepje ooit ervaarde in de struiken zonder wc papier. Bamboo bridge in Pai was er ook één ??. Dacht er opeens aan door je blog, mooie herinneringen ?.
Ik kijk uit naar de volgende! ?